Jesus Christ is the leader of our church (Colossians 1:18). We seek to discern his will for our lives as we study the Bible with the help of the Holy Spirit (2 Timothy 3:16-17). The Lord Jesus also gives us leaders, including elders and deacons, who are appointed by the church members.


David Brice

David Brice

Pastor & Elder

David was appointed Pastor of Grace Church in January 2025. He is married to Jenny and they have a very active toddler called Stephen and a second child on the way!

They have recently moved back to the area, having spent the last couple of years in Suffolk, where David served as Assistant Pastor of Grace Church Rendlesham.

David loves opening up God’s Word, longing to share the incredible news of Jesus – that all would find their identity, security and belonging in Him.

In his spare time, David loves anything related to sport!


Tim Lofthouse


Tim, together with his wife Sarah, leads one of our mid-week small groups. They have four children and are also foster parents. Sarah is involved with youth and childrens’ work and Tim makes our worship even more lively with the help of his conga drums.

They both love diving into the Bible and unpacking the riches of God’s character and His story.

Yee Gan Ong


Yee Gan was born in Malaysia but has been in the U.K. since 1981 when he came over to study. He feels very grateful to have been brought up in a loving Christian home and he accepted the Lord Jesus as his personal saviour at the age of 13. 

Yee Gan’s Father was an elder at church and passed on his love for studying and sharing the riches to be found in God’s Word, the Bible. When not at work in the hospital, he loves to indulge his passion for sport and science fiction as well as finding time to practise the piano, an ability he uses in the music ministry at church. Yee Gan leads one of our Growth Groups together with his wife Emma. 


Nick Curry


As well as being an elder in the church Nick is a full time teacher of RE at the local secondary school. Nick is also married to Sarah, who works at a local primary school, and they have two grown up children called Bethan and Jake.

Nick and Sarah lead one of our Growth Groups and alongside that Nick regularly preaches and leads our Sunday gatherings while Sarah sings in the worship team.

In his spare time Nick loves going to the cinema, cooking and snuggling down to a good book. 



Sue Wales

Church secretary & Deacon

Sue loves cats.


Ian Halliwell

ChurcH Treasurer & Deacon

Ian loves spreadsheets.